    Oscar Pistorius first gained his international fame from debate over whether his prosthetic legs would give him a advantage in the 2012 Summer Olympics.  They decided to let him run in the Olympics.
Today, the disabled track star finds himself in the middle of a more serious
controversy: whether he intentionally shot and killed his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, or whether he mistook her for an
    Batchelor  Pistorius friend said Pisorius is someone who "had a trip switch," quick to get
angry and fight. 
    One thing many people don't know, Batchelor said, is that Pistorius was armed
nearly everywhere he went. He even applied to become a licensed gun collector so
he could buy more guns than the four that South Africans are allowed, according
to Carvel Webb, chairman of an umbrella organization for South Africa's private
gun collectors, including Pistorius.

    Why would he want more guns in the first place how is four not enough?  This trip switch seems an a lot like steroid usage to me.  Quick to get angry, but it is another thing to get so angry that you want to fight.  Another question I have is why would you shoot an intruder?  Yeah I know it is a intruder, but you have to think would you shoot somone just because they broke into your house.  At least give the person a warning before you shoot someone and if he did Reeva would not be dead.

Colby Klipping
3/8/2013 04:36:19 am

This is a crazy story. I would have never of suspected that he did that. It does sound like steroids to me too.

Ivy Pruisman
3/17/2013 12:59:09 am

This was an interesting article to read. I haven't heard about this story yet. It sound to me like he intentionally shot her- his friend said he was quick to get angry and it is said that he nearly always had a gun with him. They may have gotten in a fight and he shot her before he even realized what he was doing.


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