In British Columbia, towering red cedars live a thousand years, and black bears are born with white fur.White fur occurs in only one of every 40 to 100 black bears on the British
Columbia mainland coast, but the trait is especially pronounced on certain
islands in the Great Bear Rainforest. 
    On Princess Royal Island, one in ten black
bears is white. On Gribbell Island, directly north of Princess Royal, it's one
in three. Biologist Wayne McCrory of the Valhalla Wilderness Society calls
Gribbell "the mother island of the white bears."
    The Spirit Bear also known as the Kermode bear are endangerd.  Today, there are less than 200 spirit bears left in the world.Researchers have recently proved that the spirit bear's white coat gives it an advantage when fishing. Although white and black bears tend to have the same
success rate after dark—when bears do a lot of their fishing—scientists Reimchen
and Dan Klinka from the University of Victoria noticed a difference during the
     White bears catch salmon in one-third of their attempts. Black
individuals are successful only one-quarter of the time. "The salmon are less
concerned about a white object as seen from below the surface
1/18/2013 04:40:38 am

I did not even know about these bears. It is a shame that they are being killed off. I hope that these bears can make a come back!

1/18/2013 04:44:57 am

I thought that it was interetsing about all of the colors or the bears. I didnt know how rare it was for them to have white fur. Those bears must be very rare if there are only about 200 of them left in the world.

1/18/2013 04:49:37 am

It's sad that these creatures are endangered. I didn't know this species existed before I read this article. If they have a greater success rate fishing, clearly they aren't dying of starvation. What, then, is killing them or what are they dying from? Were people hunting them? I hope these bears make a comeback in the future.

1/18/2013 04:52:32 am

They need to have fundraisers or something to help save these bears.

Mrs. Richtsmeier
1/21/2013 05:31:30 am

Jarod this is an interesting article. Next time I would like you to put your source so that if someone is interested in looking into a story you post they will be able to find it.

Also you did a good summary of the story, but you failed to give your opinion or support some sort of an argument or conclusion. Next time you must do this. Some of the comments that others posted were seeking this from you!


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