All those who are hoping that comprehensive immigration reform is going to
happen this year -- Latinos, businesses, churches, agriculture industry, law
enforcement and others -- are in for a rude awakening.
The trick for politicians will be
to look as if they're doing something, when really they're doing nothing. But,
regardless of how it looks, it's a long shot that Congress will pass immigration
reform this year.

That's bad news for those who
want to give the undocumented a chance to get right with the law and develop a
sensible, fair and efficient policy for future immigrants. But it's good news
for those who resist legalizing the undocumented because they're afraid of
foreigners -- either because of competition with their work ethic, or that
they're changing the culture and complexion of the country.

This is sort of interesting but I don't think that those who are here illeagally should be able to become legal.
2/24/2013 09:01:18 am

I agree. People who are here illegally should not be able to become legal. It's not like people who commit crimes can just get away with it. It is kind of like the same thing here because they arent here legally so its basically like commiting a crime. I am glad that they are cracking down more and more on illegal immigrants.

Ivy Pruisman
2/24/2013 11:11:07 am

I think it depends on their situation. If they are here because of problems in their country and have tried to become a legal citizen, but are on the waiting list, but living here they should be able to stay. However, if they have come across the border and are living here without trying to gain citizenship or government knowledge, they should be send back.


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